About Women's Life Groups

Our ministry to women offers the perfect opportunity for you to connect with other women in our church community. We admit to being imperfect, Jesus-loving, authentic women who desire to partner with you on this adventurous, yet sometimes difficult, walk of faith. You will discover a welcoming environment where women follow Jesus as Lord, friendships are developed, and laughter is contagious.

Women’s Life Groups offers a dynamic moms group where the busyness of this season in life can be shared and enjoyed with other moms. Inspiring short-term studies & trustworthy life groups provide opportunity for growth—in deepening your relationship with Christ, and in fellowship with other women on the same journey. Prayer and worship life groups set aside dedicated time weekly to pray and honor the Lord. Our Mentoring ministry desires to connect Christian women to come alongside you with wisdom and encouragement in your commitment to walk by faith, not by sight. Special events throughout the year provide additional opportunities to gather as women of God—to celebrate and discover how to stand firm on this adventure of faith.

There are several ways you can take your next step in joining other women within the VRL church family. We invite you to consider a place where you can belong and do real life together with other women. If you find a life group you are interested in or would like help finding one click on the button below.

Women's Group Inquiry

Group Finder

Betrayal & Beyond

Betrayal & Beyond is designed to help bring healing to women who have experienced betrayal and broken trust through their spouse's struggle with pornography and sexual addiction. Offered on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm.

Women's 12 Step Group

Ladies, do you want to go deeper in your recovery journey? Join a 12 step group and experience the freedom as God transforms your life. Groups meet on Tuesday evening from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. New groups will be forming soon!


Many women who struggle with love, sex, porn, and relationship addictions are unable to sustain healthy relationships with romantic partners, family members, and friends. Currently accepting registrations for groups that will be forming soon.

SRT Services

SRT Services is healing services for sexually related trauma. Groups are formed and meet off site.

Senior Adult Ministry

The senior adult ministry is a group that helps with the needs and interests of people who are 55 and older.

Women's Prayer Group

The power of prayer is undeniable. The power of praying together is incredible. Will you join us?