JOIN US THIS EASTER! Everyone is invited for egg hunts, baptisms, and more. Services begin Thurs, April 17.

Our goal is to show people the love of Christ in tangible ways, and to connect them to the body of Christ. Our Outreach efforts follow the command from Acts 1:8 to be God’s witnesses locally and internationally, always with the goals of love and connection. We hope you’ll join us as we bring people to Christ, one person at a time!

Global Outreach

VRL comes alongside indigenous people of peace to create relational environments in which disciple-making movements will happen within their church, then communities, and eventually outside the borders of their country. In each partnering country we have identified a leader whom we believe is strategic in opening doors that will expand God’s Kingdom. The ultimate goal is to see reproducible disciple-making happen through these people.



Working in Fort Portal, Uganda, we partner with Ronald and Muzina Kizito and Living Spring Church to care for widows and orphans, plant churches and make disciples through a relational process.



Working in Baguio, Philippines, we partner with John and Hannah Bagalawis and Covenant City Church to reach the community, connect people relationally, find opportunities to serve and create disciple-making movements.

Other Locations

We work in additional areas with indigenous leaders leading movements that are reaching many for Christ. Because of the sensitive nature of the work, we only share detailed information face-to-face.

Teams and Trips

VRL takes the command to reach the nations seriously and our team is passionate about making disciples in every tribe, tongue, and nation. We send people on short-term mission trips as part of our discipleship process to teach them to grow in their faith; belong with others; learn to contribute their time, talent, and treasures; and to learn how to disciple others. Additionally, this is a way we can tangibly help our primary partners as well as ministries we are connecting with, and to develop relationships with them and their people.

Teams and Trips

Our team is passionate about making disciples in every tribe, tongue, and nation. We send people on short-term mission trips as part of our discipleship process as an opportunity to grow in their faith, belong with others, learn to contribute, and to disciple others. The opportunities are a great way for us to tangibly help our primary partners and connected ministries to develop relationships with them and their people.

Local Outreach

Outreach follows the command from Acts 1:8 to be God’s witnesses locally and internationally. We come alongside local ministries that fall within our 4 Aims (Loving Kids, Redeeming Stories, Planting Churches, and Discipling Nations) by supporting them through prayer, finances, and people. The ultimate goal of each partnership is to introduce people to Christ, help fulfill the vision and mission of our partners, and to disciple our people.

We want VRL to have a presence throughout our community, accomplished by people being engaged outside of our church. Our primary focus is working with schools, foster care, pregnancy, trafficking, poverty, and refugees. You can get involved by volunteering time with one of our local partners, being involved with some of our initiatives that happen during weekend services like food drives and school supply drives, or being available as needs present themselves. Our goal is to show people the love of Christ in tangible ways, and connect them to the body of Christ. There are many, many opportunities throughout the year to connect.

You can learn more about the groups VRL is working with through the links below.

Local Outreach Partners





