JOIN US THIS EASTER! Everyone is invited for egg hunts, baptisms, and more. Services begin Thurs, April 17.

Your Next Step - as easy as ABCD

Following Christ is a journey, and each of us has a next step to take. What’s yours? Maybe it’s to Accept Christ as your Lord and Savior. Maybe it’s to Belong to a Life Group. It could be to Contribute your time, talents, and treasures. Or it could be to Disciple others in their walk. Whatever it is, we encourage you to take YOUR next step today!


Each step of faith takes courage, but you don't have to walk alone. We are here to guide you through what it looks like to follow Jesus in your personal life, your home, and at work. If following Jesus is new to you, here are some steps to consider:

Our Beliefs

Get to know what we believe on a variety of important subjects.

Our Beliefs

Get to know what we believe on a variety of important subjects.


Baptism is a symbolic act of laying yourself down and proclaiming that you want to follow Jesus for your whole life.


Baptism is a symbolic act of laying yourself down and proclaiming that you want to follow Jesus for your whole life.


At DNA you will discover more about who we are, what we believe, and why we do what we do.


At DNA you will discover more about who we are, what we believe, and why we do what we do.


Do you have questions about Jesus? Questions like, "Who is He and Why does He care about me?" Or, "What's the point of knowing Him?" Maybe you want to know how to have a relationship with Him. These are great questions! A life group provides a safe environment to find answers to life's toughest questions.

Life Groups

Life groups provide an environment for you to develop meaningful relationships while getting into God's Word and growing your faith.

Recovery Ministry

Our Recovery ministries and groups provide a safe place to focus on overcoming your hurts, habits, and hang-ups.

VRL Students

We love students at VRL. Join us for MIDWEEK on Wednesdays from 6:30-8pm. Or join a student Life Group.



From welcoming visitors to investing in kids, there is a place for everyone to volunteer. Discover how God gifted you and start volunteering.


How we handle money shows where our heart is at, so when we give, it is truly an act of worship. Find out how you can contribute financially without even leaving this site.


God is doing amazing things both locally and internationally - and He is inviting you to be a part of His work.


Jesus' final words to us were to "Go and make disciples." Just as we have each had others walk with us through life, so we can do the same for others. Find many of the tools and resources you need right here to grow in your understanding of how to lead others in their journey of following Jesus.

Discipleship Tools

Download leader resources like weekly small group questions here.

Right Now

Explore an entire library of the top videos, books, and other resources meant for you to use for personal development or to invest in others.