JOIN US THIS EASTER! Everyone is invited for egg hunts, baptisms, and more. Services begin Thurs, April 17.

Welcome to the Family!

Valley Real Life is a family, and like any family, it’s important to know a bit about us before joining us on life’s journey. So whether you're new to VRL or been here a while, you’re invited to take your next step by attending VRL’S DNA Class. Come learn more about the vision God has for VRL, our discipleship process, the beliefs that unify us, and what makes VRL so great to be a part of. You’ll also get to meet new people while enjoying some fun and snacks!

Register for DNA

Part of being unified means sharing a common "DNA" of belief. Come learn more about the vision God has for VRL, our discipleship process, the beliefs that unify us, and what makes VRL such a great church to be a part of... register today!